
2004 6/10~6/14 host visit, Gloucester

這是我第二次去host visit,這次這個家在Gloucester,離倫敦大約2小時的火車,很靠近威爾斯。總之,我在去完德國後又馬不停蹄的到了這個家。

首先要先來介紹家族成員-Judy and Colin(媽媽和爸爸),4條狗狗(德國臘腸犬),一隻貓咪。這次還是很幸運的遇到了喜愛狗的家庭。這次的感覺很不一樣,首先呢我跟媽媽的互動比較多,因為爸爸有在上班。而且大概這次是他們的第一次招待,所以我們去了蠻多地方的…Gloucester有一座大教堂,因為哈利波特第一集有在裡面取景,就是哈利他們奔跑的走廊,吸引了許多觀光客,教堂也是蠻漂亮的啦。另外是”彼得兔(Peter Rabbit)”有一章是有關Gloucester的,所以也有一個小小的彼得兔的賣店。我們還去了運河(Canal)博物館,主要是英國以前也曾以運河為交通運輸工具,博物館裡面介紹了運河的歷史,及工具等等。裡面有一個互動的虛擬投資,反正呢你就投資運河看哪一個最賺錢囉,最後我賺到了10000元,(當然是假的啦)呵呵!!

接著來介紹媽媽Judy,雖然她已經60了,但是她把自己的生活安排的很充實,她們家有4條狗狗,從11歲到7個月,最小的那隻Bella,還要接受Dog training,這次我有和Judy一起去dog training,很有趣。每個主人帶自己的狗狗去,有各種不同的訓練,如坐下,叫狗狗走過來等等。很好玩。看各式狗模狗樣,令人覺得英國人真的很照顧狗。也很尊重大眾,她們是不會讓狗狗在路上隨便大小便,都會準備袋子裝大便~~還有Dog Waste的垃圾桶等等。

另外我還跟著Judy去參加Cross Stitch的課,反正就是很像社區大學的課,主要是做”DIY”的東西,如椅子,床頭墊啦等等。不過那一天我真的蠻無聊的~天氣很好我帶了一本讀者文摘去看,結果一直打瞌睡~真尷尬。前面提到Gloucester的運河,他們家自己有一艘船喔,是那種遊運河的船,然後他們還去參加一個運河節日之類的東西,反正就搭船去參加比賽之類的。


Hi Daisy,
Thank you so much for the photos. Sorry for the delay in replying but life has been quite busy this week.
Last weekend we went on the boat down the canal for a barbecue on Saturday evening and took the dogs. We all had a good time but it was a bit cold. When we got back to the docks Bella had chewed her life jacket so I had to take it off her and when I was getting off the boat she decided she would follow me but it was a big jump and she fell in. Luckily we were stopped and Colin soon got her out but she was swimming well!! We then had to take her home and give her a bath because of the dirty water in the canal and called her "smellie bellie" She appeared no worse off for her experience .
I hope your work is progressing well .I do not like this cold damp weather we are having at the moment but hopefully it will improve soon as next weekend we are on the boat for 4 days at Saul Festival on the canal.
bye for now
Judy and Colin and the dogs and cat

圖為Gloucester 教堂走廊 Colin-紅衣,Judy-白衣

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